Button/Landing pg
Keywords for HTML
Keyword Tag |
Title Tags and Description
by URL |
Services |
Marketing copywriting,
copywriting, copywriting services, marketing services, strategic planning, marketing process, ROI, web design service, integrated campaign planning service, Integrated Marketing Communications, integrated marketing campaigns, Web-centric, thinking, Best Practices Papers, business planning service, sales tools, whitepapers, best practices guides, solutions guides, technical writing, technical editing, marketing research services, intelligently, engage, retain, new, profitable customers. |
www.strategic-reports.com/ links to
which replaces
<title>11 Integrated Marketing Services with Written Processes and IT Integration</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers 11 Integrated Marketing Services with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an Organic SEO focus”/> |
Web Designs |
Web Design, web design services, strategic twist, white paper, good web design practices, high ROI campaigns, align web design, tune up Web design. Website makeover, project strategies, marketing strategies, writing copy, launching your campaign, strategically designed, integrated, solid SEO foundation, competitive advantage, first organic SERP rank, Strategic Website Optimization, ICM Optimization process, analytics, “fine tune’ your campaigns, “SEO Optimization Services with a Strategic Twist - A White Paper,” Google, ‘to Google”, key phrase, graphics design, graphic artist, HTML, Web development services, CraigsList, e-mail marketing, social media, Web 2.0, Googler, NavBars, image links, title tags, keyword Meta tags, buttons, interactive design, site “stickiness,” analytics, theory, language, practice, learning to sail, multi-disciplinary, expensive mistakes, Web designer, pay per click, pay-per-click, 4-line ad, 1-3 position, Organic SEO, AdWord’s, search advertising, Web Design Firm, Web Page Design Firm, Web Designer, professional Web designer, marketing-critical, marketing variable, marketing tool kit, Web Design industry, La Brea, tar pit, naďve e-marketer, Web-centric, perfectionist view, Integrated Campaign Marketing, marketers, content analysis, professional, sponsored links, top column, right column, first SERP, advertising, optimized, integrated,unified process, SWO, ICM, Promised Land, marketing budget, financial sink hole, inefficient investment, demand gen, services comparison, design firm, formal marketing processes, optimize SWO, optimize ICM, Web Design Firm Selection Criteria, info@strategic-reports.com link, Client Homework, Initial Consultation, Proposal, 7 Key Questions, Creative Brief, Web Research, Keyword Analysis, Landing Page URLs, Web Design Spec, HTML tags, Web Page copy, Graphics, Interactive Design, Strategic Keywords, SEO / PPC , Social Media, Launch, Analytics, Dial In, strategic keyword market basket, AdWord’s campaign, PPC campaign, Google AdWords processionals, [GAP], certified coaches, continuing SEO proposal, social Media, experts in Web 2.0, cutting edge, social marketing, stickiness, sticky Website spiders, spider software, crawlers, crawler software, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Website, SERP Rank Determination, algorithms, marketing proposal, launch campaign, final QA, touch points, Integrated Marketing Campaigns, campaign launch services, ad agencies, fresh set of eyes, proof reading, detailed campaign pre-launch countdown, pre-launch Count Down, analytics, Google Analytics, Awstats, SOP, masters in campaign tuning, dial in, “Campaign Dial In Tips and Tricks”. |
<title>Web Design Services with a Strategic Twist – A White Paper</title>
<meta name="description" content="This paper describes the Strategic-Reports.com Web Development Process with a strategic front-end"/> |
Campaigns |
SEO, SEO optimization, SEO optimization services, strategic twist, white paper, whitepaper, Strategic Website Optimization, ICM Optimization, Internet marketing process, analytics tools, fine tune campaigns, good Web Design, high ROI Campaigns, align, tune-up, Web Design, solid SEO program, competitive advantage, product, service, first organic SERP, Search Engine Results Page, ICM Optimization process, Strategic Website Optimization™ process, Web Design Services with a Strategic Twist - A White Paper, conventional ad agency, media service, flat hourly rate, mix of interdisciplinary services, promised land, lower ad/sales ratio, competitors, competitive advantage, achieving competitive advantage, Integrated Campaign Marketing, ICM, SearchEngine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click Advertising, PPC, Search Engine Marketing, SEM, search marketing, Web 2.0, social marketing, marketing services vendor, strategic marketing twist, free advertising, fist page SERP rank, zero PPC expense,
Keyword, AdWords keyword, target market, market dominance, high-search-volume keywords, Google’s AdWord Keyword tool, sponsored links, keyword target, PPC, HTML tags, copywriting, write HTML tags, landing page, site, campaign investment, ultimate goal, eliminating pay per click, advertising expense, www.strategic-reports.com/webdesigns.html, redoing Web pages, online marketing copy writing, offline ad copy, Campaign Optimization Process, Integrated Campaign Marketing, ICM, Optimization Process Strategic Website Optimization, SWO, “Doing SEO the Right Way”, HTML tags, strategically targeted keywords, Write your Website page copy, makeovers, generate traffic, high value back links, word of mouth marketing, Web 2.0 marketing, videos, blogs, relationship marketing, Online Booking Systems, Online Shopping, marketing automation systems, CRM, SalesForce.com, Enterprise Content Management, ECM, Business Process Management, BPM, Government Regulatory and Compliance, GRC, IBM paper, Pubs List, IBM Solutions, strategic keyword market basket, AdWord’s campaign, PPC campaign, Google AdWords processionals, [GAP], certified coaches, continuing SEO proposal, social Media, experts in Web 2.0, cutting edge, social marketing, stickiness, sticky Website spiders, spider software, crawlers, crawler software, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Website, SERP Rank determination, algorithms, marketing proposal, launch campaign, final QA, touch points, Integrated Marketing Campaigns, campaign launch services, ad agencies, fresh set of eyes, proof reading, detailed campaign pre-launch countdown, pre-launch Count Down, analytics, Google Analytics, Awstats, SOP, masters in campaign tuning, dial in, “Campaign Dial In Tips and Tricks” B2B, B2C |
<title>SEO Optimization Services with a Strategic Twist– A White Paper</title>
<meta name="description" content="This paper describes the Strategic-Reports.com Organic SEO Campaign Optimization Process with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, and IT integration"/> |
Content Offers |
content offer, Web content offer
Intelligent customer engagement, customer engagement, demand generation, registrations, organic search rank, page rank, downloads,
buyer behavior, vendor behavior,
KnowledgeStorm, content distribution, appetite for content, technology marketers, Intelligent Customer Engagement™ [ICE] process, informational selling, content offers, qualified buyers, qualified prospects, major trend in marketing today, marketers understand, buyer behavior, vendor behavior, trend, demand gen, demand gen marketing |
<title>Using Content Offers for Customer Acquisition and Retention</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a Content Offer Creation Service with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an Organic SEO focus"/> |
Whitepapers / Articles |
white paper writing service, white paper, technology white paper, architecture white paper, infrastructure white paper, best practices white paper, marketing consultants, expert copy writers, find new customers, utilizing white paper marketing strategies, lead generation, sales acceleration, sales pipeline, customer acquisition, customer retention, Intelligent Customer Engagement, ICE, Web-centric, Strategic Web Optimization™ Process SEO Optimization. SEO Services, Integrated Campaign Marketing, ICM, long sales cycle, short sales cycle, leads, thought leader, market segment, informational white papers, content offers, informational tone, competitive advantage, written marketing processes, clear examples of deliverables, MaconRaines, high-tempo, iterative, high-touch, agile demand creation, campaigns, email newsletters, killer offers, PR, public relations, direct mail, social media, community contact, direct prospect contact, phone, email, voice mail, managed, monitored, measured, existing CRM, existing marketing automation systems, complete package of integrated marketing processes, marketing consulting, strategic planning, competitive research, customer market research, public relations, integrated communications, online copywriting, offline marketing copywriting, graphic design, interactive design, IT systems Integration, Promotion, bitpipe, www.bitpipe.com, demand creation, wordpress, themes joomla, templates, mambo, lead generation services,engage customers, retain customers, white paper marketing strategy, marketing systems, integrating marketing, marketing automation, customer resource management, CRM, information technology, IT, ECM, BPM, Compliance IBM, Software Solutions Guide, FileNet P8, software platform, content management, process management and compliance management, Oracle, EMC, HP or Microsoft, alternative, proposal, integrated marketing services, formal marketing processes |
<title>Using a White Paper Writing Service for Customer Acquisition and Retention</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a White Paper Writing Service with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an Organic SEO focus"/> |
Best Practices Guides |
management best practices, technology best practices, development best practices, network best practices, Web best practices, software best practices, best business practices, Best Practices guide, best practice, ISO, Six Sigma, ISO 9000, ISO, 9001, ISO 9004, Markov, Markov Service, Markov chains, Markov models, modeling data, systems modeling, application modeling, simulation modeling, Markov model, optimization algorithms, optimization models, best practice, nursing best practices, security best practices, Tsunami best practices, Markov models |
<title>Using a “Best Practices” Service for Customer Acquisition and Retention</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a Best Practices Service with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an Organic SEO focus"/> |
Software Solutions Guides |
Business software, enterprise content management, ECM, business process management, BPM, compliance management, GRC, storage management, network management, software change management, application lifecycle management,
SSG, solutions guide, solution guide, solutions manual, business software, manufacturing software, inventory control software, small business software, business software, accounting software, systems software, financial software, enterprise software, point of sales software, pos software, project software, integration software, workflow management software, application management software,
Application lifecycle management software, ALM, enterprise change management software, ECM, compliance management software, GRC, business process management software, software change management software, software, design software, CAD software, MCAD software, ECAD software, document management software, systems management software, IT services, IT consulting, software project management, project management software, business intelligence software, customer resource management software, CRM, human resource management software, configuration management software, HRM, Web project management software |
<title>Using a Software Guide Writing Service for Customer Acquisition and Retention</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a Software Guide Writing Service with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an Organic SEO focus"/>
Page 5 |
Product Architecture Guides |
Architecture Guide, product guide, product Guides, consumer guide, review guide, product review, buying guide, marketing guide, user guide, storage product guide, network product guide, software product guide, white paper |
<title>Using a Product Guide Writing Service for Customer Acquisition and Retention</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a Product Guide Writing Service with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an Organic SEO focus"/> |
Networking Solutions Guides |
Network architecture guide, network architecture, wireless network guide, network infrastructure, network design, network management, computer networking, performance network, network traffic, network wireless |
<title>Using a Network Guide Writing Service for Customer Acquisition and Retention</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a Network Guide Writing Service with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an Organic SEO focus"/> |
Business Plans |
business planning service, expert, Internet marketing, business plan writer(s), business consultants and marketing consultants, create a business plan, write business plan, advertising plan, business plan, business proposal, Internet marketing plan, Response to an RFQ, product development proposal, business proposal, strategic plan, merger proposal, business plan format, Venture Capital presentation, business plan example, business plan outline, business plan software, large enterprise, small business, starting a business, business plan services, and business consulting services, business development, integrated campaign services, Web marketing, General Systems Theory, GST, BusinessProcess Management, BPM, Internet marketing company, create a business plan, write business plans, components of business plans, advertising plan, business proposal, Internet marketing plan, product development proposal, strategic plan, merger proposal, integrated processes, von Bertalanffy, interdisciplinary, complex systems, Wikipedia, “framework by which one can analyze and/or describe any group of objects that work in concert to produce some result”, Optimizing Integrated Campaign Marketing, paper we wrote for IBM, GST and BPM, IBM’s P8, software platform, leading edge, multidisciplinary, integration, complex, ECM, BPM, BI, GRE, software [Click here for the IBM White Paper, IBM Solutions Guide, Sample business plan, free business plan, write a business plan, coach, how to write a business plan, do market research, do competitive research, target marketing, segmentation, develop business strategies, marketing strategy, develop VC presentations, determine your elevator pitch to VCs, How to write a business plan, strategic planning, business strategy, strategic marketing, strategic plan, search engine optimization plan, |
<title>Business Planning Services – With a Strategic Marketing Twist</title>
<meta name="description" content="This paper describes how effective business plans should be marketing centric, process centric, IT centric and integrated-campaign centric"/> |
Sales Tools |
Sales training, sales management training, sales training seminars, sales training consulting, sales training aids, competitive features comparisons, sales knockoffs, scripted tradeshow posters, competitive product comparisons, sales knockoffs, elevator pitches, brochures, datasheets, PowerPoint presentations, solutions guides, product guides, Web sites, Demand gen, CRM systems, Mobile productivity tools |
<title>Using a Sales Tool and Sales Training Service for Customer Acquisition and Retention</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a Sales Tool and Sales Training Service with a unique strategic front-end, written processes, IT integration, and an integrated campaign front end"/> |
Technical Editing |
Writers, professional writers, technical editing, technical writing, copywriting, copywriter, technical editing, technical writer, copywriters, copy writers, copy editing, online copywriter, online copy writer, |
<title>Technical Editing and Technical Writing Service</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strategic-Reports.com offers a Technical Editing and Technical Writing Service that uses a rigorous and specific project engagement process to define deliverables up front"/> |
Customers |
marketing success stories, client experiences, customer comments, www.strategic-reports.com/customers.htmlv .
Kabeelo, RoadRamp Systems, Artvisions Hawaii, IBM, Hitachi Data Systems, Auspex, PalmCall, Pumatech, Serena, Reaction Technology, Bentek, |
<title>Strategic-Reports.com Client Experiences </title>
<meta name="description" content=" Client Comments and Customer Success Stories with using Strategic-Reports.com’s 11 integrated marketing services"/> |
Contact Us |
Contact, Strategic-Reports.com,
890 South Wolfe Rd, Sunnyvale, CA, 94086, 408-733-9479 |
<title>Contact Strategic-Reports.com</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Contact information for Strategic-Reports.com, located at 890 South Wolfe Rd, Sunnyvale, CA, 94086 408-733-9479"/> |