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Our Strategic Web Optimization™ Process

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Step 8 – 8. Services Home


a. URL = See table at end of spec
b. Copy on Right of Page

Page Headline = Marketing Services with a Strategic Twist -

Pardon us - but we don’t just churn out marketing deliverables without a business strategy front-end and a creative brief to check that your business and IT strategy align with your marketing automation systems. We think it’s a waste of your money and our time. Like your car, your business needs to have all systems run together for the common goal of safe and direct navigation of where you want to go and for marketing deliverables a creative brief is the best way to avoid problems down the road.

First Paragraph = Go Slow to Go Fast –

We’ve developed an 18-step process, shown in the figure below, which might take a little more time up-front, but can vastly increase your project ROI. Like in sailing and many other endeavors, having a winning strategy will always result in the “fastest time to the mark.” Insert NEW Graphic [both TOP AND BOTTOM rings with neither ring ghosted1] to
the right of the first paragraph The Design of the page is in the style of the file Palm_3_20 The copy begins as a newspaper column width to the right of the left
column on the page The NEW Graphic appears to the right The copy flows underneath the graphic as one scrolls down.

Second Paragraph = Integrated Marketing Communication and Campaigns -

Please forgive us for our Web-centric thinking but we’ve written Best Practices Papers This links to the 8 Steps paper] such as the one to your left - that we believe is the first formal written Web Design and Campaign Optimization process. Whether its our Web design service, integrated campaign planning service, business planning service, or our
copywriting services for sales tools, whitepapers, best practices guides, solutions guides, or our technical writing, technical editing or marketing research services, we want to help you make sure your marketing systems all fit seamlessly together. In this way we can best support your customer acquisition and retention processes and of course, your sales and profits. Helping you perfect a system to intelligently engage and retain new and profitable customers is not only our vision, but also our commitment to you.

c. Graphic on Right of Copy

i. Both rings of the NEW Graphic should be placed to the far right of the copy
1. There is a “Cursor Hover Caption” that says Click to Enlarge
ii. All I have is the pdf of the graphic in pdf form so it may have to be redrawn in Illustrator
or cropped and modified in Photo Shop
1. It’s on the CD as MSC title page
d. On Page Links under or around the Graphic on Right
i. These links below follow the Graphic with red asterisks on the Comp.
1. Initial Consultation
2. Proposal
3. 7 Key Questions
4. Creative Brief
5. Web Research
6. Keyword Analysis
7. Landing Page URLs
8. Web Design Spec
9. HTML tags
10. Web Page copy
11. Graphics
12. Interactive Design
13. Strategic Keywords
14. SEO / PPC
15. Social Media Plan
16. Launch
17. Analytics
18. “Dial In”
ii. A Separate CD #2 will have the images to “link to” from the graphic.
e. Left Column Caption
i. Line 1 = Strategic Marketing Services
ii. Line 2 = Click to Enlarge
f. Left Column Top Image
i. “T” is a pdf of
g. Left Column Links List
i. Same as the Drop Down Menu in #6 above BUT without the Home Page AND without
the Top Image T [which is in the caption line #1]
h. [Other] Left Column Image Links
i. Same as the Drop Down Menu in #6 above BUT without the Home Page AND without
the Top Image T [which is in the caption line #1]
i. HTML Tags
i. See table below for keywords and title tag copy
ii. We are not putting in description tags, just title tags and Keyword tags



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