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Our Strategic Web Optimization™ Process

Click the Links Below for Customer Success Stories

Step 8 – 6. Main [Top] NavBar Buttons & Drop Down Menu


i. First line [left to right] of Main NavBar and Drop Down Menu [shown in indents in declining order]

1. Marketing Services

a. Services Home [For specs see paragraph #8 below]
b. Web Design [e.g. this is the first drown down menu link to the Web Design Home
c. Campaigns [this links to the Campaigns Home page].
d. Content Offers [this links to the Content Offer Home page].
e. Whitepapers [this links to the White Papers Home page].
f. Best Practices etc. etc
g. Software Guides
h. Product Guides
i. Network Guides
j. Business Plans
k. Sales Tools / Training
l. Technical Editing

2. Web Design

a. Web Design Services Home [For specs see paragraph #9 below] [This is the first
item in the drop down menu
b. Our Strategic Web Optimization™ Process - [This is the second item in the drop
down menu for the Web Designs Button. It links to the SWO paper which is also the
T on the Web Designs Home page.
c. New Website Design Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. NEW Website Design for: – [This is an active link]
Corporate positioning, HTML tags, visible copy, NavBar design, competitive
HTML source code / back link analysis, interactive design.
d. Website Makeover Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. Website Makeover for - Five [5] NEW target markets,
HTML tag copy, visible copy, NavBar design, competitive HTML source
code / back link analysis, visible text, interactive design upgrade, URLs.
e. Extreme Website Makeover Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. Extreme Website Makeover: – Ten [10] NEW
target markets, HTML tags, visible copy, NavBar design, competitive HTML /
back link analysis, interactive design.
f. New Website Design Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. NEW Website Design for: - Two [2] NEW target
markets, HTML tags, visible copy, NavBar design, HTML / back link
analysis, interactive design.
g. Website Makeover Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. Website Makeover for: - Seventy five [75]
back links, two [2] pages of keywords, three [3] HTML tags each page, SEO
report analytics.
h. New Page Design Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. “Success Stories” Pages. Case studies for Electronics Contract
Manufacturer [ECM] Bentek Corp. San Jose, California.
i. New Website Design Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. NEW Website Design for, all strategic content,
positioning, voter research and copy for ballot prop.
j. Website Coaching Service
i. Website Coaching for:, Steps #1, 2, 3, 5 and 6
of the Strategic Website Optimization™ Service plus general business and
marketing consulting services.

3. Campaigns

a. Campaign Services Home [For specs see paragraph #10 below]
b. Our ICM Optimization™ Process - [This is the second item in the drop down menu
for the Campaigns Button. It links to the ICM paper which is also top image [T] on
the left NavBar. The file is found as the file “Eight Steps to Optimizing ICM” on the
March 17 “For Joey CD.
c. “Word of Mouth” and SEO Campaign Links to a NEW page with this copy
i. Word of Mouth Campaign for a Telecom Corporation: –
SEO front-end planning, for “Word of Mouth” campaign, keyword baskets by
market, back link strategic analysis, URLs, HMTL title tags / description tags
/ keyword tags, visible text.
d. SEO and PPC Campaign #4 Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. SEO and PPC Campaign: - Nine [9] NEW Google
AdWords PPC campaigns, NavBar and landing page alignment, competitor
keyword list, URLs, HMTL title tags / description tags / keyword tags, visible
text and Google AdWords copy, campaign “dial in,”
e. SEO and PPC Campaign #3 Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. SEO and PPC Campaign: – Twelve [12]
innovative Google AdWords [“five-cent-keyword”] PPC campaigns, ten [10]
NEW target markets, NEW top NavBar design, NEW left NavBar index,
NavBar and landing page alignment, interactive design, campaign “dial in”,
HMTL title tags / description tags / keyword tags, visible text and Google
AdWords copy, campaign “dial in.”
f. SEO and PPC Campaign #2 Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. SEO and PPC Campaign: – Four [4] Google
AdWords PPC campaigns, NEW double NavBar design with improved click
through back link research, HMTL title tags / description tags / keyword tags,
visible text and Google AdWords copy, campaign “dial in,”
g. SEO and PPC Campaign #1 Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. SEO and PPC Campaign for: - Seventy
five [75] back links, two [2] pages of keywords, three [3] HTML tags each
page, PPC SEO monthly report.

4. Content Offers

a. Content Offer Services Home [For specs see paragraph #11 below].
b. 8 Steps to Optimizing ICM [This is the first item in the drop down menu for the
Content Offers. It links to the ICM paper which is also top image [T] on the left
NavBar. The file is found as the file “Eight Steps to Optimizing ICM” on the March 17
“For Joey CD.
c. Storage Architecture Guide II [Exists] This means there is already a page named this
on the current site with an existing link] Any changes to the copy are in the
hardcopy markup
d. Storage Architecture Guide I [Exists] This means there is already a page named this
on the current site with an existing link] Any changes to the copy are in the
hardcopy markup

5. Whitepapers

a. Whitepaper Services Home [For specs see paragraph #12 below].
b. Software Whitepaper Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. Software Whitepaper: Using Collective Intelligence Programming to Combat
Telecom Fraud - A White Paper, Palm Call Inc. San Jose California.
c. e-Marketing Whitepaper #2 Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. e-Marketing Whitepaper I: The Benefits of a Formal Strategic Website
Optimization™ [SWO] Campaign Planning Process. Download from (15 pages).
d. e-Marketing Whitepaper #1 Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. e-Marketing Whitepaper II: Tips for Implementing a Strategic Website
Optimization™ [SWO] Campaign Planning Process for Large Enterprises.
Download from (9 pages).

e. Compliance Whitepaper Links to a NEW page w/ this copy and an image of the first
page of the
i. Compliance Whitepaper: How Application Optimized Storage Solutions
from Hitachi Data Systems Help Companies Achieve Regulatory
Compliance – A White Paper, Co-authored with John Harker and Carlos
Soares, Hitachi Data Systems Corporation, Santa Clara, California, (39
f. Contributed Article Links to an existing page that is the current Press page
i. Contributed Article: Writing the Book on your Market: Creates a Competitive
Selling Advantage, A Contributed Article to Marketing Profs.
g. Storage Whitepaper Links to a NEW page w/ this copy
i. Storage Whitepaper: Hitachi Application Optimized Storage™ Solutions for
Aligning IT and Business Objectives, A White Paper. Co-authored with Peter
Smails and Carlos Soares, Hitachi Data Systems Corporation, Santa Clara,
California, (13 pages).
h. Performance Whitepaper Links to a NEW page w/ this copy. There is only a one
page image link and no download.
i. Computer Performance White Paper: Computer Performance Tuning using
Selective Placement of Relational Data on Cached and Non-Cached
Storage Arrays, Co-authored with Walter Baker, Doug Miller, David
Rodriguez and Jack Stephens, Zitel Corporation, Milpitas, California.
ii. Second Line [left to right] of Main NavBar and Drop Down Menu [shown in indents]
1. Best Practices Paste Copy from Pubs List in the previous style of Sample Pages
a. Best Practices Guides Home [For specs see paragraph #13 below].
b. 8 Steps to Optimizing ICM This is the link name for E-1 on the Pubs List
c. Installing Hitachi DLM with IBM VIO This is the link name for E-2 on the Pubs List
d. SAN and NAS Convergence This is the link name for E-3 on the Pubs List
e. Fault Tolerant External Memory This is a link to I-6 titled New Product Proposal]
2. Software Guides Paste Copy from Pubs List in Sample Pages Style
a. Software Solutions Guides Home [For specs see paragraph #14 below].
b. ECM, BPM and Compliance This is the link name for F-1 on the Pubs List
c. AgilePoint BPM This is the link name for F-2 on the Pubs List
d. Enterprise Change Management This is the link name for F-3 on the Pubs List
e. Software Solutions Guide - IV Europe This is the link name for F-4 on the Pubs List
f. Software Solutions Guide –IV US This is the link name for F-5 on the Pubs List
g. Software Solutions Guide III This is the link name for F-6 on the Pubs List
h. Software Solutions Guide II This is the link name for F-7 on the Pubs List
i. Wireless Change Detection Software This is the link name for F-8 on the Pubs List
j. Software Solutions Guide I This is the link name for F-9 on the Pubs List
3. Product Guides Paste Copy from Pubs List in Sample Pages Style
a. Product Architecture Guides Home [For specs see paragraph #15 below].
b. USP-V Architecture Guide This is the link name for G-1 on the Pubs List
c. USP Architecture Guide This is the link name for G-2 on the Pubs List
d. 9500V Architecture Guide This is the link name for G-3 on the Pubs List
e. 9900V Architecture Guide This is the link name for G-4 on the Pubs List
f. Thunder Architecture Guide This is the link name for G-5 on the Pubs List
g. NS3000 Product Guide This is the link name for G-5 on the Pubs List
h. Lightning Architecture Guide This is the link name for G-5 on the Pubs List
a. NS2000 Product Guide This is the link name for G-5 on the Pubs List
iii. Third Line[left to right] of Main NavBar and Drop Down Menu [shown in indents]
1. Network Guides Paste Copy from Pubs List in Sample Pages Style
a. Networking Solutions Guides Home [For specs see paragraph #16 below].
b. Network Storage Controller This is the link name for H-1 on the Pubs List
c. FC-SAN vs. E-SAN Guide This is the link name for H-2 on the Pubs List

d. Wireless Change Detection Network This is the link name for H-3 on the Pubs List
e. Storage Network Architectures This is the link name for H-4 on the Pubs List
f. Software Development Network Guide This is the link name for H-5 on the Pubs List
g. Internet Architecture Guides This is the link name for H-6 on the Pubs List
2. Business Plans Paste Copy from Pubs List in Sample Pages Style
a. Business Planning Services Home [For specs see paragraph #17 below].
b. PalmCall Show Cover Only- Call me when ready] This is I-1
c. Business Plan Update This is I-2
d. Reaction Technology 2004-2008 This is I-3
e. Reaction Technology 2003-2007 This is I-4
f. Business Development Plan Amdahl This is I-5
g. New Product Proposal This is I-6
h. Product Technical Specification This is I-7
3. Sales Tools / Training Paste Copy from Pubs List in Sample Pages Style
a. Sales Tools / Sales Training Services Home [For specs see paragraph #18 below].
b. Integrated Campaign Marketing Paper This is also the top image T
c. IBM Scripted Poster This is J-1
d. Serena Tradeshow Poster This is J-2
e. NetManage Poster This is J-3
f. Hitachi Tradeshow Poster This is J-4
g. Sample Brochure This is J-5
h. Sales Training PowerPoint This is J-6
i. Competitive Features Comparison This is J-7
4. Technical Editing
a. Technical Editing Home [For specs see paragraph #19 below].
b. Technical Editing – White Paper SOSS This is a pdf file on the CD for Joey.
5. Customers [For edits to this EXISTING PAGE see below and the HARDCOPY markup]
6. Contact Us [For edits to this EXISTING PAGE see below and the HARDCOPY markup]



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