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Our Strategic Web Optimization™ Process

Click the Links Below for Customer Success Stories

Step 8 – 20. Customers


a. URL = See table at end of spec
b. Copy on Right

a. As annotated in the hardcopy markup with added testimonials as below in 20b.
b. As below with NEW customer testimonials put up front:
i. “We are delighted with our Website makeover and [ten supporting] Google AdWords
campaigns using Google AdSense technology. The project paid for itself within the first
month of advertising and we will forever have a strong recession-resistant advantage”
Harald Lars Lohn Co-owner, KaBeeLo Lodge and Resort.
ii. “We followed the Strategic Website Optimization™ process and Integrated Campaign
Marketing Optimization™ processes closely. Now that we’re close to achieving the

“promised land” of high organic SERP rank, our competitors must be wondering how
we did it. Spend away boys! See you at the bank.” Sr. Consultant, Director of Global
Marketing Services!

iii. “In the fine photographic arts business it’s important to have credibility with a
professionally done Website. Our Website design project and online ad campaign did
just that”. Chris Egan, CEO, ArtVisions Hawaii.

iv. “The strategic front end work to our Website Design project identified not only
important keywords to support our word of mouth strategy with an SEO-optimized site,
but also our positioning as a Co-op Corporation - which was the perfect differentiator
from our larger telecom competitors.” Phillipos Hailemichael President and CEO,
PalmCall Inc.

v. “We loved the “Web Design Coaching Service” and can recommend it to any small
business wanting to monetize their Website. The following steps in the SWO™
process were particularly eye-opening for us as a [previously] non-Web-savvy small
business: Initial Consultation [Step 1], 7 Key Questions [Step 2], Web Research [Step
5], Keyword Analysis [Step 6] and HTML Tags [Step 9]. Phil Reed, Director of Sales
and Marketing, Road Ramp Systems Inc."

vi. “I love your professionalism and dedication to helping us perfect how we present
ourselves and challenge us to look at various options from a fresh prospective. I
enjoyed meeting you and look forward to continuing to work together.” Patrice Glover
Vice President Operations and Marketing, PalmCall Inc.

vii. “David, please thank Jim for me on this - his additional notes were VERY helpful.”
Malcolm Muir, Senior Competitive Analyst, Global Marketing Hitachi Data Systems.

viii. “We were delighted with the Website research, strategic planning and customer
success story online copywriting and Web Design that you did for us.” CEO, Bentek
c. HTML Tags
i. See table below.



If you are an expert in any of our service areas, and available for full or part time work,
Please click here OR send your resume and cover letter to