Our ICM Optimization™ Process
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Step 10 - Sample Spec for Web Page Copy
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1. Business Plans Home Page Spec
a. URL = See table at end of spec
b. Copy Spec
Page Headline and lead copy = Business Planning Services – With a Strategic Marketing-centric Twist - A White Paper - We’re a team of professional business consultants, IT professionals, strategic planners and expert business plan writer(s), who offer a wide variety of business planning services, from a Web-centric perspective. We believe that our “sweet spot” - “Website Monetization” is a fundamental building block for the marketing section of any business plan. We can help you stay ahead of the all important trends to Internet and marketing automation, by putting a Search Engine Optimization plan [such as we offer with our Campaign Optimization Service] into the Marketing section of your five year business plan. We recommend that this plan should be based on the same strategic planning, business strategy, and strategic marketing processes [Link to the Eight Steps paper] that we offer in our other marketing services [link to Services home].
First Paragraph and Subhead = A General Systems Theory [GST] and Business Process Management [BPM] Approach - Whether you need to create a business plan for a Internet marketing company or an on-premises software company, or you’re with a start-up company looking for business plans components - we can help you. We can help you develop advertising plans, business proposals, Internet marketing plans, product development proposals, strategic plans, merger proposals - all with our unique General Systems Theory [GST] AND Business Process Management [BPM] based approach.
Second Paragraph and Subhead = We Give Business Plan Readers A Realistic Multi-disciplinary View - Without getting too theoretical, we take a realistic multi-disciplinary view of your business ecosystem and processes and help you orchestrate a complex set of variables to win in your market(s). Our processes are based on Von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory [GST] [links to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_theory] which is an interdisciplinary study of complex systems that uses a “framework by which one can analyze and/or describe any group of objects that work in concert to produce some result1”. Our papers on Optimizing Integrated Campaign Marketing [link to the eights steps file on CD #1] and the paper we wrote for IBM on complex software design are good examples of our integrated GST and BPM approach. IBM’s P8 software platform is a leading edge multidisciplinary integration of complex ECM, BPM, BI and GRE software [Click here for the IBM White Paper [Insert link to the “IBM Solutions Guide” file on CD #! Here] and our paper on Optimizing Integrated Campaign Marketing [link to the eights steps file on CD #1] stresses the importance of a holistic interdisciplinary approach to e-marketing today. To design and create an eco system of humans and technology the IBM software incorporates interdisciplinary concepts from linguistics, cognitive psychology, mathematics, motivation theory, computer science, learning theory, physics, and informatics.
Third Paragraph and Subhead = We scale-down our Large Enterprise Business Planning Process to “Your Size” Business - Whether you business is a global enterprise, a small business or a start-up, we have the business planning services, business consulting services, business development experience, and integrated promotional campaign processes to help you win in your markets. Whether it’s Web marketing expertise of copywriting skills, we help you develop an integrated business plan targeted to your specific needs. Whether you need to update an existing five year plan or develop from scratch a business plan and Venture Capital [VC] presentation that includes engaging the VS with an elevator pitch, we can help. What’s more, we are often willing to work for sweat equity and founder stock [given the right circumstances of course].
Fourth Paragraph and Subhead = All the Samples and Tools you Need – We have formal written marketing processes [Link to the Eight Steps paper] and all the tools you need to
1 For more information on GST please see the Wikipedia discussion at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_theory
succeed with your strategic planning needs. Our business plan examples, outlines, and formats [such as the sample to your left], are designed to communicate to both technical and non-technical audiences and the “skim reader” and “detailed reader” alike. Our experts can either help you write your business plan, coach you through the process, provide a sanity check, or find someone who can provide missing subject-matter expertise. Our experienced MBA consultants “know how" to write a business plan, do market research, do competitive research, target marketing, prospect segmentation and develop winning business strategies. Our team of experts in all business functions helps with the rest.
Fifth Paragraph and Subhead = A ‘Business Plan Coaching” Service for “Do-It-Yourselfers” - For business executives desiring to learn from us and drive our processes in-house, we offer a "Business Plan Coaching” Service that is designed for the “do-it-yourselfer” and uses the clear documents, templates, processes and samples on our Website. When you think about it, in today’s Web Centric environment, designing a Website is similar to writing a business plan. We use our front end SWO and ICM Optimization processes as shown in the graphic, [links to a blowup of the graphic on this page with no ghosting on either ring and active links] [Processes #1-6], as the same steps for our Business Planning Service. In fact you can click on the links below [or on the graphic] to go directly to samples of the deliverables we provide for these first 6 important steps.
Step 1 - Initial Consultation [links to CD #2 & the same files speced for “New graphic” Steps 1-6]
Step 2 -Proposal [links to CD #2 & the same files speced for “New graphic” Steps 1-6]
Step 3 -7 Key Questions [links to CD #2 & the same files for “New graphic” Steps 1-6
Step 4 -Creative Brief [links to CD #2 & the same files for “New graphic” Steps 1-6]
Step 5 -Web Research [links to CD #2 & the same files for “New graphic” Steps 1-6]
Step 6 -Keyword Analysis [links to CD #2 & the same files for “New graphic” Steps 1-6]
Sixth Paragraph and Subhead = Why do a Creative Brief for a Business Plan? – Well, for one reason we think it’s a huge mistake if you don’t take a marketing-centric view to business plan writing. This is because business plans are also sales presentations designed to persuade a target audience into making certain commitments. Whether your target audience is your bankers, your VCs, your employees, your peers, or a combination of all of these constituencies, you should start your business planning process with a Creative Brief [link to Sample Creative Brief on CD #2- Step 4. For this reason, we ask our clients to do some homework and take the first cut at carefully defining everything from target audience to the message they want to deliver. We can’t emphasize how much more smoothly this makes the business plan creation process flow and how much money it saves our clients. In fact, when you compare us to our competitors, you may find yourself preferring our “all cards on the table” approach with the plethora of written marketing processes [Link to the Eight Steps paper] and clear examples of deliverables for each step of our business plan service – including the homework we assign.
Seventh Paragraph and Subhead = We’re Also Good at IT System Integration Planning Too! – Although other firms talk about helping you with integrating your business plans with your marketing automation IT systems and software platforms such as CRM, we’ve actually written papers on IT integration such as the 94-page ECM, BPM and Compliance [Insert link to the “IBM Solutions Guide” sample page] Software Solutions Guide we did for the IBM / FileNet P8 software platform. By the way we consider the IBM P8 platform to be state of the art because it better integrates content, process and compliance management than Oracle, EMC, HP or Microsoft. So if your writing business plans that expect marketing productivity and business productivity that’s ahead of your competitors, we recommend you consider IBM. We don’t think you can go wrong.
Eighth Paragraph and Subhead = Let Us Give You a Business Plan Proposal - Although there are number of Business Plan specialty firms, we like to think that our clients will tell you that we add our own innovative and strategic marketing twists to the process. Whereas large consultancies may offer more total services than we do, we can assure you that they are
probably not as integrated in their planning and are also going to cost you’re an “order of magnitude” [10x] more for a business planning engagement.
Ninth Paragraph and Subhead = A Full Line of Complimentary Business Planning and Marketing Services - To learn more about the other marketing services [link to Services home] we provide please click on: Web Designs, [e.g. this is the first drown down menu link to the Web Design Home page, Campaigns [this links to the Campaigns Home page] Whitepapers [this links to the White Papers Home page], Best Practices Guides [links to etc], Software Solutions Guides, Product Architecture, Network Guides, Sales Tools, Technical Editing.
c. Graphic on Right under Copy
i. Use the two ring Graphic with no ghosting of either ring
d. On Page Links under or around the Graphic on Right
i. All 18 active links
e. Left Column Caption
i. Line 1 = Free Business Plan Sample [This is the Reaction Tech sample with index and 1st Chapt only]
ii. Line 2 = Click Here to Download
f. Left Column Top Image
i. This is a pdf of the Document marked “T” in the Pubs List
g. Left Column Links List
i. Same as the Drop Down Menu in #6 above BUT without the Home Page AND without the Top Image T [which is in the caption line #1]
h. [Other] Left Column Image Links
i. Same as the Drop Down Menu in #6 above BUT without the Home Page AND without the Top Image T [which is in the caption line #1]
i. HTML Tags
i. See table below for keywords and title tag copy
ii. We are not putting in description tags, just title tags and Keyword tags
iii. See separate document.