Step 1 - Free Customized 30-minute Webinar Description
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Purpose of the Webinar
The purpose of our the Free Customized 30-minute Webinar in Step 1 of our integrated 18-step Web Design and Campaign Optimization process is to help us understand a potential client’s e-marketing literacy, strategic business needs, operational constraints, and importantly the extent to which the client wishes to internalize the process and do the technical work themselves. During the Webinar we will [jointly with the client] try to size the ROI for the project and discuss preliminary budget alternatives and deliverables in the proposal to follow.
Setting a Time
We arrange by email inquiry to or by telephone to 408-733-9479 a good time to discuss your project and conduct this first step in our 18-Step process. In some cases the Webinar can be done onsite or can be preceded by a more high-level strategic meeting to discuss the client’s strategy for buying marketing services, internalizing marketing business processes and IT integration of these processes.
Preparatory Work that We Do
Prior to the Webinar or on-site meeting, our consultant conducts a [free] preliminary review of the potential clients Web site. Our purpose here is to develop a preliminary understanding of the client’s business model, and to make some overall Web design observations to discuss at the customized Webinar. We look at the site’s HTML source code [for one or two pages] to see if there are HTML “title tags”, “description [meta] tags” and “keyword tags” and to learn if analytics are installed and what they are. In some cases we will choose a keyword and look for other keyword suggestions using the AdWords Keyword Tool or other keyword tools. We also use the Google Webmaster special [“link colon”] command “link:www.client’” and make initial observations as to the quantity and quality of back links, how many are internal page links and how many are from non-paid-for sites. This process usually gives us initial perceptions as to the SEO work that has been done to date on the site. It also gives us preliminary insight into keyword choices relative to the clients strategic positioning and business strategy that may be useful for any PPC campaign we may recommend.
Minimum Preparatory Work We Ask the Client To Do
We ask the client to do some homework if they have the time. After we have set a time for the Webinar, we send the client contact a whitepaper that can also be found at that describes our 18-step process. Since we are process centric and believers that ROI is optimized by process enforcement, we have found that projects are most successful with like-minded clients where we work together to optimize the client’s customer engagement and retention processes.
Optional Client Homework
Clients can optionally review our papers on Strategic Website Optimization™ [SWO™] and/or Integrated Campaign Marketing Optimization™ [ICMO™] at prior to proposal discussion. To learn more about the technical details of Web Design and Organic SEO, we recommend four papers that can be optionally studied prior to the Webinar. These papers however, are most relevant if the client is a Webmaster or wants to learn more about the mechanics of our processes:
SEO For Google
Ecommerce & SEO
Jump Start Your Link Building